Monday, November 5, 2012

More daring, less timid or just more ambitious?


I was in the middle of operations here, when I get a phone call from a prospective female talent for our poster calendar project for two charities we are working on here in the Knytes.

Now I have gotten responses by many but few show up.

But she in fact showed up, at Stokes in the Deli, we had lunch. She’s in, 1 down 6 more to go, but here’s the short of it.

Here is a gal with 3 kids willing to jump in, drives from Jerome here to interview, with toddler in tow and yet here in Burley the bunch are so smug and stuck up they can’t even give someone a phone call or email.

Is it people that live west of Burley, more energetic and less fussy? Less Stuck up, than Burley and willing to help with a good cause?

Where else except maybe a porn show for narcotics at the local bar on a Saturday night , can some gal make a couple hundred bucks standing with a truck, bike etc? Yet shy of begging, which I will not do, I can’t get a in Mini Cassia gal to photograph, or video tape etc with one of our rigs. Some people are not so timid around us who ride two wheels, some are too MOMO to stand up and strut their stuff. Yet the same gals will party on Saturday, worship on Sundays and say I’m all bad. Question is ; what have you done for Hazzard County lately, more over Burley women are YOU, TOO GOOD, to show off for charity?

This is why Twin Falls and the immediate area is growing and Burley will soon be a living Ghost town.

L8R Ya’ll

cs1cmdt sig

Quote of the Day:
Houses should be more like ovens. Self-insulating and self-cleaning!
(while cleaning room)
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”

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