Sunday, November 4, 2012

General Salutes

new heddernew hazzard ayre hedder

While the General Lee is the eternal most famous hot rod on planet earth and the one thing that says HERE’S HAZZARD in all the episodes, of the Dukes, there was none that celebrated the name sake General Robert E Lee.

However there was one that brought to light General Stonewall Jackson, remember the one where the battle sword was swiped to ransomed the insurance company by Boss Hogg? With that said the whole celebration was for General Lee’s right hand man and compatriot General Jackson. That was most notably the only historical episode celebrating the Confederate South.

In about the 3rd year of the Dukes-of-Hazzard and the 3rd year of the existence of the Knytes we thought hey, lets bring to spotlight our southern heritage and open the door for those that wanted to honor their southern history.

Then there was the point of contention between the two Duke boys, first there was Bo & Luke, then Coy & Vance Duke. Mostly over money.

It was at that point the Knytes said, let’s look beyond the focused family(the Dukes) and look into what its like to live in a medium sized southern community. Enter in looking beyond the Dukes and more into living and loving Hazzard.

In the same way, while many are fans of the Dukes, the Knytes are more fans of Hazzard County. So much so that in 1985 the Idaho state legislature passed an amendment that allowed the tiny southern Idaho town of Hagerman to gain a second name, yes, Hazzard. And that lives on today.

The area, that encompassed our 300 acre farm, that of Sand Springs and area from the Nation Federal Game farm to West-Point, to Wendell Idaho, was in fact made officially Hazzard County, based on the foundation of the town on TV, yes Hazzard.

The question was raised, why the Children’s Miracle Network? Simple; it is a main charity of Bo-Duke, but there are others we work for. The Shriners Children’ Hospital in Salt Lake City, mainly because my Dad was a 32nd degree Shriner, Two the St. Jude’ Hospital, and the USMC’s Toys for Tots program. Simply centered, the Toys For Tots is an USMC project. I am a reassigned Marine, and in the series, Luke Duke was a Marine. As such a project of Tom Wopat.

Just like there was a need to go beyond the Dukes, and explore the rest of Hazzard County, the Knytes go beyond individual Dukes characters and do more than write blogs and bark on some Facebook page. The fact that the Dukes ever came back on , on TNN, now Spike, and CMT, was not just a few fans, but the constant howling of this old wolf, and the Knytes going to every damn TV station in the west buying TV time to run reruns of the Dukes when the show was in syndication.

The question I have for so called fans is what have you done for Hazzard County lately?

Big day Monday, auditioning talent for the movie HazzardAyre, that tells our story, and brings to light, when Hazzard County joins AyreWolf(AirWolf).

Stay Tuned,

cs1ayrewolf wings golden company

Quote of the Day:
By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
--George Carlin
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”

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