Thursday, November 1, 2012

Intelligent Common Sense A rare commodity

new hedder

This should come as to know surprise as we are in fact dealing with Northern Yankee’s here.

But the throughput of the human American mind is slow if indeed exists.

Case n point: the other day, tell a few new recruits, that awakening me before 13:30 Hours is just not a wise thing to do. I’m grumpy , I’m not at my best early in the day. But what did they do yesterday? Wakes me up at 11:00 hours.

Needless to say not happy.

Of course our Hazzard Knytes Halloween Party was groovy. There was one there dressed as one of the characters of Star Wars, but I never seen a Star wars character with light sabers that were female , did you ? But she pulled it off, well.

So then Hilary comes up, tells me my suspenders were crooked, so I said, ya’ll fix em, without a finger shake she did.

Okay then getting back on topic.

All too many people have severe troubles in direct communication that somehow evades memory. In that little of what is told to them , do they remember, unless you either put an image or mis spell a word or something that creates a bullet point in their cerebral cortex. Which is why to get many to remember Dixie Toewing we purposefully mis-spell Towing as toewing. But lets take this further.

In Twin Falls Idaho is my associate, bean counter and friend, Charley, who runs A1 Towing and Heavy Haul there. We are associated loosely by SAMCRO. Here in Burley I run Dixie Toewing. But that’s the current end of the affiliations . Yet as many times as I tell this to people, all too many forget it. Now the fact that there is serious negotiation as to merging the two companies is still on going. And yes design logos, etc are sent back and forth over emails and blogs, to each other. But damn it all to hell it’d be nice to at least one or two people outside of the club and company to grip that concept in their puny minds. Just because I hire somebody, means I HIRE them, not Charley. Likewise if Charley hires someone, they are HIRED BY CHARLIE, not ME or DIXIE TOEWING. Which is part of the reasons we have been trying to get both the Voice of Mini Cassia and The Weekly Journal here to do a story on us, the club etc. Since HazzardAyre is read mostly by SAMCRO members the wider distributed newspapers here need to read what we are and who we are not just the first view that all too many see.

Same thing as to our advertising, don’t these publications know that if they did do a article or two on the club, and MY company, that SAMCRO members and MY company would advertise in those newspapers?

Sure the fact that I live in a motel/apartment, have long hair and don’t wear a suit & tie and an Elders tag pined to my Mr. Mac’s suit, might be a deterrent. Is the fact I drive a 20 year old little flat bed that by vision has seen better days be a deterrent? Perhaps, is the fact that , the same little Chevy S-dime I drive is my little baby. Sure LexiBelle is my anchor in life, but Sylver Myst, has been everywhere I have been, went through every bit of hell I have been through, hit two deer, one moose, been hit by a PSI trash truck and a well-2-do Mormon gal in Jerome who sucked the hind teat of a city cop in Jerome that hit the rear of the truck several years ago, a detour from getting our local press to give the club, me, ink? Maybe, but how about looking beyond the surface images and dig deeper? Here’s a clincher though. The TIMES NEWS of Twin falls, publishes a Mini Cassia edition which is only partly Mini cassia news. The Voice and Weekly Journal only publishes news if it appears in the TIMES NEWS first. Wasn’t the idea that the Mini cassia Voice and Weekly Journal to be INDEPENDENT publications and report news not covered by the TIMES NEWS ?

Again a failure for Intelligent Common Sense. More this evening. Keep it cruising.

cs1 cmdt sig

Quote of the Day:
Perhaps the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
--Dean Acheson
Ephesians 1:18“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hazzardayre tail

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