Monday, October 22, 2012

Lack of motivation on Monday’s

Cooters Gearz hedder1434 20121022

Who invented Monday’s? We all wake up or partly sit up ready to hammer out a day and yet the motivation to go into battle in the rural jungle gives way to sit back , take a nap, bust ass on Tuesday, after many have recovered completed from the Weekends drunk, escapades.

So this was I. Alarm went off at 05:00 , I rolled over , hit the snooze button, when it went off again, turned the damn thing off rolled over and went back to dreaming of my next door neighbor.

Something happens when a touch and I mean a very slight touch at that, but a touch any way happens. All you want to do is soak it up, as ya’ll never know when you’ll feel it again.

Luxury and pride, was a staple in my life, up until Mom passed away.

Up to that fatal day in March of 1983, I had the very best of everything. Then a County assessor, realtor and the original Montgomery Foundation bean counter decided to get greedy. So things got placed in my path that encouraged me to move to Boise. I did. Tired of then of the bigger city, moved to Pocatello. Stayed there only out of duty to my Son, By then Big Skipper resigned from the bean counter spot, and Cousin Bud got into it. Cousin Bud over the years ran the Montgomery Foundation into the ground except for AyreWolf Aviation, and only AyreWolf survived because 2nd Cousin Gordon, was in charge of that .

Then in 1992 Bud invested the greater part of liquid assets of the Montgomery Foundation into a thing called Metro Securities a big conglomerate based in Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington. When a few execs in Metro got caught with their pudgy fingers in the frosting bowl, many including the Montgomery Foundation lost mega millions of dollars when Metro fell under Federal Bankruptcy. Although we get paid back , about $5,000.00 every year its interest payments. The full amount is due in 2015, somewhere . Something in the line of $235, million. Is our due. When that hits, its finish the buy of KBAR in Burley, and so on.

Sorry did not want to take you down the entire road there just to point out a thing. That even the most noble of people like the Foundation’s bean counters, when looking at a pile of cash can be tempted and act rather carelessly and recklessly with that cash, which is why I get nurvious with this gal doing bean counting and distribution of my SSA funds. Which is only good for another month or two. Charley is on board, just waiting to get me a place in Twin, so he can have a more active role in my operations.

Before I go here. Want to say thank you to my current bean counter Rebecca Boston, of CTR Payee Services, in Blackfoot. She on her way to Nevada last week brought down my check which got sent back to her because the idiotic Post Office of Burley and County P&Z couldn’t agree on where my address is.

More on that later.

I’ll be reporting on this on my radio show overnight. Yes HazzardAyre goes back on overnight.

Just hope Ms. Boston sends out the remainder of my funds today, to my buddy Todd, so I have the last big rush of the year.

Oh and yes , as of November , it’s been one year since I signed on with CTR.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
--G.K. Chesterton
Proverbs 15:23“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

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