Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I think someone shot em selves in the foot

hazzardayre blog covernew hedder

Ever think that KMVT shot em selves in the foot?

When the locally skewed conglomerate ch-11 is, when the same TV station group runs two newscasts within a half hour of each other that is as skewed as 11 is, any way. Why would anyone watch both?

Get a grip on this; The 11 group owns both the FoX affiliate station here as well as their staple. Now at 21:00 hours, the 11 group runs what they try really hard to be a hip-er newscast on the FoX channel. Then at 22:00 they run their regular news cast. Trouble is, it’s the same trash they ran at 21:00 hours. For me I catch 11’s news, see whatever is interesting in the immediate area. Then for a real newscast , I turn to either KSAW or KTVB. Watch theirs to get the serious news of the day.

It’d be interesting to see the viewer numbers there between both their Fox and KMVT newscast.

Then review the viewer numbers for the two Boise stations to see if both do any better?

No common sense used there, but who am I to question? After all I only am a radio guy.

Got a great infusion of money in from SAMCRO today. Seems as though both HCC and Dixie-A1 Toewing will be getting greener in all ways. I knew it only would take time a methodical thought to get there.

Ever be in the presence of someone else doing a repair job, to the point ya’ll get so frustrated that all ya’ll want to do, is just say, “damn it get out of the way and let someone who knows do it”?

I saw a trainee today doing a simple brake job, and granted he is training, but I got so miffed that all I wanted to do is push him aside and get it done.

Okay I’m not patient, and no not in all things a good teacher. Thing is the trainee claimed to be knowledgeable and yet couldn’t do a drum brake R&R.

Oh well, guess the old thought of real male is going the way of the 10 cent soda and analog TV.

Then I saw a posting on one of my groups on FaceBook. The question I posted and could still use help on is how to rid myself of all these damn flies that invaded my domicile. The comment of a poster? That was cute. Cute? Bullshit, I was looking for input, not just a drive by ain’t that cute?

Yankees , its tuff dealing with a primate population. Lets get back to being Genuine Confederate American males that can at least do guy traditional male oriented tasks, and engage in intelligent thought patterns.

Until L8R

Cooters Gearz hedder  cmdt sig

Quote of the Day:
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
--Robert Burton
Ephesians 2:8-9“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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