While its no secret that Denny’s Restaurants are migrating into the Burley/Heyburn Idaho area, there is some contention.
Monday’s don’t expect a old town café with cheap java and grub to be Open. Both Charley’s Café and the Main Street Grill to be closed. Only option? Wayside Café near Heyburn headed yonder to Rupert. However I tweaked up the Wayside Café online, and found no good reviews. I can follow that up with a rumor mill as well. So on that we have a major player in family café’s moving in.
For us in automotive circles there was sheer panic when Wal-Mart here opened up their auto care shop. Many local techs thought we can’t keep up or compete. I say bullshit, find what you do, that they don’t , concentrate on that and you beat Wal-Mart. Now days that don’t take much. Since the big Wal-Mart in Twin Falls opened up much of the inventory and product offerings that were in the Burley and Jerome stores are fewer and more available in Twin Falls’ store.
I hear that PeP Boy’s is eyeing both Twin Falls and Burley. A satellite branch of the Utah franchises. Does this concern Hazzard County Choppers? Certainly not, since PeP Boys don’t build bikes, don’t see bike parts and nobody here fixes and services Harley Davidson, Triumphs , Nortons. Only one other bike shop in the area does HD and they are in Twin , and nobody else does British name plates, but that’s just us.
Does PeP Boys or Wal-Mart tow? No, but Dixie A1 Toewing does. hat’s us.
Sure the big boys play hard, best thing to do is find the holes in their armor and do what they don’t.
Trouble is fewer still are ready to pony up to that.
It’s just like café’s and bars. Two not open on Mondays , and the rest of the week only until 4:00pm, where do you go when ya’ll just want a $1.00 cup of java? Go to the Wayside Café and be insulted , or pay $2.00 at JB’s.
Is there an answer here?
Yes its called the Reaper, and its opening here in Burley, but that’s a story for another time. As the Reaper will be in two locations, in Twin falls where Rocks was on South Shoshone, and on East Main next to our show room across from Wells Fargo Bank.
But that’s just us.
I drive down the main cruize roads in town and see a site if serious urban blight. Business’s that come here from Utah and eastern Idaho, then find that many here just do not want to support corporate America and even mom & pop stores. So these business’s relocate to Twin Falls. But do local business leaders care? Apparently not. Just like the local newspapers. I was willing (still am) ready to throw down the olive branch and work together, neither of them have came to the shop. None have called to say lets try it once more. Nor the TV station of one but that too is a story for another time.
As election day nears and I’m not voting at all since there is no one or anything I want to vote for, since none are running on the Confederate States Party, its not the President or Congress or Senate, both state or Washington DC hurting the economy, its these stuck up, smug, stubborn, arrogant and ignorant people who despite it all will not welcome or embrace change, that will not look out of the box.
As long as there is someone here willing to sell a field tractor, a shovel, and seed for those taters and alp alpha there will be Burley. Small but still here. While Twin Falls starts to bloom. It wasn’t always that way in Twin Falls.
That in my next installment.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure.
--Thomas Edison
Romans 13:6“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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