Thursday, November 1, 2012

American paranoia when will it sleep?

pappys log picnew hedder

Gender bias and gender fears seem to revolve around each other.

Example; guy gets a new recruit to train for operations Chief, normally this is a seat or task for a guy. Not this time, SAMCRO says train a gal.

So I get one.

So I am kind and listen to all she says.

Some take the concept of a gal being just a gal pal, and turn it into somebody trying to make a gal his, or at minimum a sleep-over situation.

I have seen this numerous times. In my own squadron, as well as in others. Those in charge say we are to give women equal pay, equal work, my thought no problem there. However there is that one albeit unfair but it is biological. She’s a she, I’m a he. Problem is I can’t be around her like I am around the guys. I can’t kid about this or that as it relates to human sexuality, or just wooing over some hot gal in a rig, or on the sidewalk while I have this recruit.

The question was also raised , that out on long haul runs, or just fetching parts, hell going to Sturgis in a show rig, what am I supposed to do? Put her in a cage on the trip? The suggestion of her being in any physical danger insults my personal integrity, my honor, and things too long to list.

I have heard from , many in politics during this election season, about how we are to treat women as equals in the job place. I’m cool with that, but does that mean, that if I’m interested in a hot gal at the truck stop and this new recruit wonders in with me, that I can’t do my best sell job on the gal at the truck stop?

Away from the job circle. Have we became so spooked in view of a few dorks that take women out and do things way beyond even the wyld thing to em. Can’t a guy just have a gal-pal these days?

Now to local stupidity , that is really grounding me. Sylver Myst’ registration expired as of a few hours ago. Now normally no big deal, go in, pay the money boogey out. Problem is with this mail screw up between the frigging Burley Post Office, and this 911 grid location program here and the dorks at the Cassia County P&Z and all not able yet to issue me a address block, I cain’t register my ride. I’m telling ya’ll one thing, I get a ticket for expired tags and those idiots in the County Commissioners office and the local Postmaster is going to get a number 9 boot up their six, more over pay the fine.

Hey I love technology, and at times I don’t mind experimenting , but as long as those shops have been out there, as long as there has been a 911 grid here, don’t ya’ll think that they could have gotten this straightened out by now?

Cassia County for all its good points has some serious issues in Government and government agencies. Thing is I have no desire to fix em all or even most. Charley has stepped up to the plate to be my bean counter likewise same for HCC/Dixie A1 Toewing. Meaning by December 1st I’ll be in Twin Falls. The Bike shop will be here, but not Dixie A1 Toewing. Mini Cassia Idaho, was a three year mistake that has cost me dearly in so many ways, including loss of income.

So why keep the bike shop here or even open the Biker Emporium?

That in my next entry.

L8R crew

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Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Ephesians 1:18“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,”

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