Scantly cladded women objectionable? I heard this from a supposed Hazzard fan.
Anyone that lived for and within that era and environment knows even sweet Daisy was to some racy or a bit too spicy. Maybe the gal from Washington State is more a fan of John in Smallville, rather than Hazzard. I also saw she said she had rebel flags on her wall and license plates. Groovy , so do I, plus on the hoods of every ride I own, waving from a flag pole in front of the shop, in the shop, on my wall, and on my bed.
When it comes to Hazzard, through that the Knytes have made the modern confederacy and carry the message. How many truly tune into Dixie Broadcasting every day, to hear the speeches and talks? The thing goes so what you see a bit of female flesh. The only ones against such things are women who don’t have that package and have self confidence and self esteem issues.
I have also said that its one thing to be a Dukes fan, its another to be more than a Dukes fan, but a Hazzard fan, and live in Hazzard. The latter is what it means to be a Knyte or one of the Ladies of the Knytes.
Went into Carls Junior, here in Heyburn, saw these two honey’s that I’d love to photograph for the calendar, wouldn’t ya’ll know it, didn’t have a business card and was covered in oil and grease.
But told em to look me up, think they might.
Have auditions for new visual talent on Monday, hoping for a great turn out.
On this, and I have said this so many times I feel I get chaps.
I would love it to where here in our area there was a central source that one could post or list a media job, be it radio on air talent, or visual acting modeling talent, have an open call, and be done with it.
I’d love it too if there was an agency here. One call and on screen, in the can and get on with being productive.
Problem is, its at minimum of 6 months and sometimes more just to get two maybe three gals of some degree of proficiency that can be on TV , movies, in print. Or has the ability to walk in off the street, sit down at the radio board and do a show.
I have in my media career, had two walk in’s , that could pony up to the plate. Out of those only one that within a week go on air.
The two are Miss Dixie Diesel 1993 and our Miss Nurse GoodBody. Out of those two only Miss Dixie Diesel. 93, was able to go on air.
It’s the difference between wanting more than a pay check but believed in the project.
Nobody would ever declare Mini Cassia and Idaho in general is a mega center of TV, Movie or other production. There’s a reason for that, nobody is recruiting the talent, nor is anyone training them. The belief here, is that why here? I can’t do that. Or some off the wall conception. The reality is there are talent here, but I don’t have the inclination nor serious desire to do that too, hell I seldom have enuff days in the week, nor hours in a day. Oh sure I see the near no body’s on Channel 11 or a few out of BOISE, and yes the effort was less there. An ad in a newspaper, phone call to one of 4 agencies the job done.
Is there an answer ? Yes, more on that in Monday’s edition.
Falcons against Cowboys, I’m watching football.
L8R Ya’ll

Quote of the Day:
If we find a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
2 Corinthians 3:6“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
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