Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall is upon us some things never change

Cooters Gearz hedder19:14 10/21/2012

Seems as though that as much as things change the more they remain the same. Then there are the trend setters and the trend followers.

If someone has the best idea some will try to duplicate it or follow it.

From the Dukes to aghast reality TV.

The Dukes of Hazzard hit the mark about the send episode. Many believe the series should have held the more raunchy spiced pathway the show set. More in the lines of Gator or such, before they melted it down a bit for the tween crowd. Although not spanking the family feel good TV thing, but putting something a bit tangy as well as twangy might have a better way to roll. But hey who argues with success? Except you get all too many trying to follow the characters. In this I’m most likely am the most guilty, except there were all too many similarities between myself and Ben Jones who played Cooter on the series. There have been two other Cooters before. One in the Movie with Jessica Simpson, the other in Dukes the beginnings. However the difference? I really do drive and own tow trucks, and two live in a reality rural town and three, shadetree hot rod shop here in the kountry, that is REALLY called the Hazzard County Garage. Once I was tagged as Cooter, by my peers hey who should argue?

Of course it’s a shame that trend followers trash the original image and perceptions. There are so many who go online with FaceBook amongst others saying they’re Luke Duke or some celebrity, when in fact they are not that celebrity. Which leads all too many fans to follow them only to become disappointed when they discover the results . Of course there are those that for the love and ratings, more over wealth drop into the copy pit.


The Disney Channel part of ABC in fact owners of ABC, decided to throw a gig for a Shake-it-up Dance Off. A reality show, that mimicked American Idol and America’s Got Talent. I had thought that the Disney Channel had enough great shows that they would not have to dredge the bottom of the creek, just to get viewers. Something is wrong there and someone with more power and all than I needs to tell Disney, go back to the original platform of the Disney channel and stay that way. Not cave to the all too much reality parade that all too many networks follow.

Much more to report, but mind is tyred so hitting the rack.


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Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge
Psalm 40:8“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

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